We are a Colombian family owned chocolate manufacturer of fine chocolates and cocoa, crafted at origin. We partner with brands and companies who are committed to quality and sustainability, developing exceptional tasting and purpose-driven chocolate products.


Since 1906 , we seek to contribute to the sustainable development of rural communities in Colombia. Thus, we created The Chocolate Dream , our collaborative plan that seeks to transform the chocolate value chain from its origin focusing in three objectives:

  1. Enhance farmers income
  2. Strengthen social fabric
  3. Protect the environment.

Dreamers Club: A programme created for our clients who want a “hands-on” approach to sustainability and get involved directly in projects designed to meet the needs of the cocoa-growing communities in Colombia

- A B O U T O U R C H O C O L A T E -

All of our chocolates are 100% crafted at origin using Cacao Fino de Aroma which is what truly "make us different.” Only about 8% of the world’s cocoa is considered Fino de Aroma.

Our R&D team have deepened into the latest consumer preferences to build 4 lines of chocolates that serves many portfolios across food & beverage, private label and food service industries around the world.

- O U R P A R T N E R I N J A P A N -

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- C O N T A C T U S -

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